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    Request analysis

    Submit information regarding sample requests for cancer TDM monitoring

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    Or write your own HTML code! (HTML is Pro only)

  • Background

    Submit information regarding sample requests for cancer TDM monitoring

  • Request TDM sample analysis

    Submit information regarding sample requests for cancer TDM monitoring

  • View current sample requests

    See the Trello board with all current sample requests as overview

  • Research Nurse Training

    We provide training to research nurses across the UK to ensure that studies are conducted to the same high standards at all clinical centres, helping to ensure the generation of high quality scientific data.


    Our next training day will be held in October 2019

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    Paediatric Oncology Research Nurse Training Day

    Thursday 17th October, 2019

    Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University

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    Paediatric Oncology Research Nurse Training Day

    Thursday 17th October, 2019

    Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University

  • Problems we can improve

  • Our Team

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    Edward Amankwatia

    Research Associate

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    Phil Berry

    Senior Science Officer / Trials Analyst

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    Lulu Cvetkovic

    Quality Assurance Manager

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    Julie Errington

    Clinical Trials Analyst / Co-ordinator

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    Catherine Gowland

    Research Associate

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    Chloe Guest

    Research Technician

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    Claire Hutton

    Senior Research Technician

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    David Jamieson

    Senior Science Officer

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    Claire Jennings

    Research Associate

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    Julieann Sludden

    Senior Research Associate

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    Gareth Veal

    Professor of Cancer Pharmacology

  • Log Instrument Breakdowns


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